Friday, April 15, 2011

Hot Chocolate

i altered this liquor store cooler box with Fancy Pants Hot Chocolate line paper and Epiphany Crafts epoxies.I filled it with candy cane hot chocolate,regular hot chocolate,marshmallows,candy cane sticks and bottles of water.Hope you like it!!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Another Rejection

I never really had my hopes up for making either of the teams but you can't get on if you don't try,right? I loved working with the Jillibean Soup products/papers.Thanks Tracey,Cindy and Heather for hooking me up! This LO is one of my favs!!!!It really helps that the pics are so cute!!!!
This LO is not one of my favorites but I was pretty sick and the call was due.I like it even though it is quite simplistic in design. A card.....
And another card.......